Ed James on Radio 4 today – The rise of the WILLIEs

Categories : News

As most of you will know, last year I was a WILLIE for nine months, WILLIE of course meaning Work In London Live In Edinburgh, and did a hell of a lot of writing while I travelled. I recorded a piece for Radio 4 as part of their ‘Rise of the WILLIEs’ show last month – looks like they’ll even use some of it… Show goes out at 11am –


Was quite a mad time in my life, though my back is still pretty buggered from the experience.

— Ed

4 comments on “Ed James on Radio 4 today – The rise of the WILLIEs

    Mike Larkin

    • 22 May 2014 at 6:04 pm

    Thanks for posting the info about the BBC4 interviews about WILLIEs. Very interesting. I love the Cullen stories, fun, quick, great twists.


      • 22 May 2014 at 6:05 pm

      Cheers Mike. Glad you’re enjoying the books!

    Neil McEwan

    • 4 June 2014 at 9:59 am

    Hi Ed
    Just finished Cullen 1-4 and enjoyed them immensley. Got them all on Amazon and glad to hear you’re sticking with them. Let a friend who used to live in East Lothian know about them and he devoured them in a week while on holiday. Have just this minute bought Cullen 5 and can’t wait to crack on with it. Keep up the good work . I will keep recommending the series to anyone who is an avid reader of crime fiction.


      • 4 June 2014 at 10:02 am

      Hi Neil –
      Glad you’re enjoying them. Always good to hear people enjoy my books! I’ll be getting round to Cullen 6 at some point this summer.
      — Ed

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