I’ve been experimenting with using multiple sales channels over the last few months.
Previously, I’d found that Amazon was >99% of my sales figures though, curiously, 85% of my free downloads. I wanted to see if that 15% would turn into sales on the other channels. Also, I get occasional posts, tweets and emails about whether I’ll put my books on Kobo/Nook/iBooks/etc.
Well, I tried. Put it this way, having had the books out there for seven weeks now, I’ve realised I sell 2.5 times EVERY DAY on Amazon what I’ve sold in that period across Kobo and Nook. Say what you like about Amazon, they really have created a market for indies like me to exploit and create a career out of.
So, I’m going back all-in with Amazon ‘s KDP Select as of next Wednesday, 07-May. For all those who’ve contacted me asking for the other Cullens on non-Kindle platforms, you’ve got a week to get the books.
In all seriousness, if you read books on your tablet (iPad, Fire, Nook Colour, etc) then I recommend you get the Kindle app for my books. It’s really good. I’d also advise against reading on a tablet – your eyes’ blink reflex is deadened compared with paper or eInk so you get dry eyes. As someone who’s had laser surgery on my ‘een’, I’m acutely aware of how bad my eyes feel when I’ve beasted my iPad for a long period (most recently reading twenty issues of CAPTAIN AMERICA back-to-back on Comixology…) I’m not a professional but speak to your optician if you get pain or dry eyes – don’t mess with your eyesight.
In other news, I’m just about finished Draft 1+ of SNARED, DS Dodds book one. I say 1+ and that means I wrote it last week and I’m firing through it to fix errors and stop things like summary narrative which is something I’m trying to kill in my books.
There’ll be a mailing list entry in the next couple of days, so sign up!
— Ed
Hi Ed.
I just wanted to tell you how much I am enjoying your books. I was having Stuart MacBride withdraws when I found Scott Cullen #1. I’ve just finished Dyed in the Wool. Thought I’d give Shot Through The Heart a chance before I read Cullen # 5 . I just can’t put any of them down.
Thank you!
Hi Laina – I love MacBride’s books and I’m glad my books can be mentioned in the same sentence… Hope you enjoy SHOT and BOTTLENECK. Ed
Great blog Ed, interesting and informative and not too long. I appreciate you taking the time to keep us all informed (but not overly so) keep it up. Have put off reading Bottleneck so far and will use it to treat myself (when I deserve it).
Ian – get stuck into it right now, you deserve it. Ed
How long until we find out if Bain survived?
Hi Brenda – Going to be a wee while. I’m planning on getting stuck into it in July-ish. Need to work out what happened to him… (Only joking – I know precisely what) — Ed