Looks like I’ve made a schoolboy error and uploaded the unproofed kindle file rather than the proofed version. It is now live on Amazon with the stupid mistakes I’d made now corrected.
If you bought it over the last few days, hopefully you will automatically get an updated file, but if now then please follow amazon’s advice –
Amazon UK –
Amazon US –
If you’ve already purchased your book and subsequently revise the content and re-publish the updated version, you don’t need to re-purchase the book to get a copy. At this time, it’s not possible for publishers to receive the updated file without contacting KDP Support for help. We’re working to automate this feature and appreciate your understanding with our existing solution to manually send the updated content to your device.
We request your explicit permission, and will do the same for any customers who contact us to receive the updated content, prior to sending the revised file because the new version will not have previously saved Highlights, Last Page Read, Bookmarks, and the location of notes may not match. If this is acceptable, please email kdp-support@amazon.com confirming your permission and which title/s you’d like to have re-sent. Thank you.
Note: Customers who purchased the old content can also contact our Customer Service department to have the new file delivered.
Thanks to everyone who’s notified me – I’d been offline for a few days so wasn’t aware till I saw a 2* review on Amazon.com… 🙁
— Ed
Hi Ed. Bought this the other day but haven’t downloaded it yet. Hopefully I will get the correct version when I do. Bad luck about the 2* review though 🙁
Hi Ed, I bought FIRE IN THE BLOOD on January 29th but started reading a bit later. Still don’t know what version I have. Amazon should really try to make the eventual updating easier, since I tried the procedure and it’s quite byzantine. I think the 2.nd reviewer should have contacted you by mail first, instead of being so harsh. Count myself among the very faithful Scott Cullen’s fans.
Thanks – was it better formatted than DEVIL in the app?
— Ed
Yes it is: the formatting is absolutely perfect. The only thing that leaves me perplexed is that not all the chapters seems to be numbered but, since I haven’t noticed any gap in the narration, perhaps it’s only me not noticing the numbers every time.