FIRE IN THE BLOOD 99p for a couple of days…
First, Cullen 3 is on an Amazon Countdown deal just now. Currently, it’s 99p and will rise to £1.99 before going back to its usual £2.99 –
Universal Amazon link –
I’ve got two books in the UK paid Amazon top 400 chart as I type this. Which is wow.
In other news, I’ve been really quiet but incredibly busy. I’m currently over 70,000 words into the first draft of BOTTLENECK, Cullen book five. Pleased with how it’s going. I’ve been absolutely battering it, getting a couple of thousand words written before work most mornings and then a few hours in the evenings. Most productive days are travel days – flight on a Monday get me about 3,500 in the morning, and the train back on a Thursday gets me 6-7,000. Got caught up in the travel hell on Thursday and managed to write 9,557 words in a single day. (Bear in mind that DYED IN THE WOOL draft 1 was 96,000 words in six weeks, I’ve done over 70,000 in three weeks, WHILE HAVING A FULL-TIME JOB!) I do think I might have hurt myself…
Current expectations are that a February release might not be impossible… Next project will be Cullen six, COWBOYS AND INDIANS, before I do Supernature book two – seems like SHOT THROUGH THE HEART is starting to get some lovin’.
Back to the word count.
— Ed
I would be publishing my first ebook in a few day and it’s great to hear about your success.
I just want to ask about how you marketed your first book and what were the hardships you encountered?
Ooh that’s the subject of a blog post… I’ll get round to that over the Xmas break.
In short, get it edited. That’s the thing I wish I’d done, but I’ve done it retrospectively.
Then, get it out there, get people knowing about it but get on with the next book at book and stop checking your sales every five minutes… It takes time. Buy all the sell a gazillion ebooks books and take the best type.
Oh, and ignore anything but amazon, it’s just not worth the effort.
— Ed