Next books from me

Categories : News

hunted-final-2016-06-09-beach-smallFirst, happy new year. I hope 2016 is a thing of the past, but I suspect it’s going to just keep rolling and adding newer, shitty months to it. Ahem.
Anyway, I’ve been getting a load of emails of late asking when the next Cullen will be out. I think I might’ve promised about now. Well, I’ve got some bad news. I’ve not even started it. With a good wind behind me, it’ll be May/June before it comes out, depending on what other stuff I get asked to do.
But, there will be some new stuff from me very soon.
First, I’m deep into the second Craig Hunter book, “HUNTED”, just now. It’s not far off completion, to be honest, and I plan to just stick it on Amazon when it’s done. I’ve had it with pre-orders for my self-published stuff and just releasing it worked really well for “MISSING”, the first book. Anyone suffering Cullen withdrawal can see him in both books; also, the eighth Cullen will start off with the events in the background of “MISSING”…
Simage001econd, the third Fenchurch book, “WHAT DOESN’T KILL YOU” is out on 20th April 2017 (it’s on pre-order now as it’s published by Thomas & Mercer). It’s been an ordeal, I have to say, but I’m really pleased with how it’s turned out. Needless to say, poor old Simon will be getting a complete battering in this one, in so many different ways.
(I suppose I should let you know that, for anyone who’s not read the first Fenchurch book “THE HOPE THAT KILLS”, it’s in Amazon’s best books of 2016 deal just now, priced at £1.25!)
Finally, I’ll have some more news about Vicky Dodds coming soon, so keep an eye out on that one. I’m also toying with featuring her and DS MacDonald in Cullen 8 in a minor role…
Oh, and please subscribe to the mailing list to get my latest news and stuff, particularly about upcoming releases!

4 comments on “Next books from me

    Terence Hamilton

    • 4 January 2017 at 1:24 pm

    Gretat news that there is so much in the pipeline. Really looking forward to all of the forthcoming titles. Each has its own uniqueness and enjoyability. Keep up the good work!!!


      • 4 January 2017 at 1:37 pm

      Cheers, dude. Hope I don’t disappoint.

    A & S Eccarius

    • 4 January 2017 at 10:10 pm

    Hi Ed,
    Thanks for the update. Have just binge read the Cullen, Fenchurch, Hunter and Dodds books and am very much looking forward to the next lot. I like the “cameos” of the characters in each other’s stories.
    Can’t wait to visit Scotland – got some hill climbing to do but Edinburgh is definitely on the itinerary as I feel I’m getting to know it well via your novels.


      • 5 January 2017 at 6:52 am

      Edinburgh definitely well worth a visit. So much history and it’s a really pretty place. Has a dark side, of course… the highlands are great for hillwalking and so on. Hope you have a blast!

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