Screenshot 2015-01-12 12.31.13News at last!

SNARED, my Dundee-based police procedural starring DS Vicky Dodds, has found a home with Thomas & Mercer, part of Amazon Publishing. This took a wee while to get going but we finally signed the contract in August, did the editing between September and December and now it’s ready to pre-order. That’s pretty fast for a publisher.

It’ll be out 28-Apr-2015, priced £3.99 for the ebook and £8.99 for the paperback. The ebook is available for pre-order on Amazon NOW (the paperback will also be available through other retailers) –

Amazon UK | US

It’s the best thing I’ve done (in my opinion), building on all the Cullen novels and doing something extra with that. And with a lot less swearing. Vicky was a pretty interesting character to write and seems to be quite well liked by the early readers.

Hope you enjoy it.


— Ed

2 Responses

  1. I went to pre-order your new book Snared, Ed, but Amazon won’t let me use my gift card for this transaction they said. I only use gift cards after my step-son got his Amazon a/c hacked and they ordered hundreds of dollars worth of stuff. O can obviously buy books when they’re out with my card, so I will buy it when it comes out.
    Good luck with it mate, it sounds f4cking brilliant! lol

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