Categories : News

Just noticed it’s two years to the day since I first published GHOST IN THE MACHINE. Wow. Hard to believe how much has changed in that time. Serious thanks to everyone who has downloaded it and bought the subsequent escapades in Cullen’s life.
I’ve spent some of this year revising the first two books to make them more consistent stylistically with the rest (and to reduce Bain’s swearing…) and new versions of GHOST and DEVIL are available now. I’m such a dabbler. They may email you telling about it, but if you want to receive the revised version on your Kindle, send them a mail and they’ll give you the new file (looks like they’re going to automate this).
Anyway, thought I’d give an update on where things are – the Mailing List is going to be my primary announcement thing and I’ll start using this place more regularly for more flippant stuff.
COLLECTED-Kindle-2014-05-06-smlCullen Year One
About a month ago, I released a collected edition of the first four books called CULLEN YEAR ONE. This puts GHOST, DEVIL, FIRE and DYED in one edition for the bargain price of £5.99 or $9.99, saving 25% off the price of buying them individually. It’s a bit of a steal, especially as GHOST is free already. Universal Amazon link – [ http://mybook.to/CYear1 ] It’s on Kobo and Nook too if that’s your thing.
Had a few searches for the next Cullen book, clearly people who’ve devoured BOTTLENECK already. At the moment, there’s no release date for it. I’ll start doing some work in the next month or so, just to get the plot nailed down along with the novella I’ll do later this year. As per the BOTTLENECK afterword, still no idea when I’ll release it. Things are a bit in flux just now – keep an eye on the Mailing List for further news.
I’m  currently going hammer and tongs at the first draft of SNARED and am roughly a third of the way through, having bashed out 33,000 words. Not bad for three days’ work so far… Again, for release information, keep an eye on the Mailing List for news of when this one is going to get released. For those of you who don’t know, this is a new series set in Dundee with a new copper, DS Vicky Dodds. It’s hardcore police procedural all the way, similar in some ways but pretty different to Cullen. I’m enjoying writing it like you wouldn’t believe.
Yeah, not sure what I’m doing with this. CRASH INTO MY ARMS, the intended sequel to SHOT THROUGH THE HEART, is getting de-vampired and will be the next project after SNARED. I’ve got a solid idea for a sequel but the sales on this one have been really quite bad. I learnt a lesson with this one, that’s for sure. I’m going to make it free again to see if that gives it a market sufficient to warrant a book two.
I’ll be sending a new newsletter in the next couple of days – sign up at http://bit.ly/EJMail
Hope you’re all enjoying BOTTLENECK.
— Ed

8 comments on “2 years of GHOST / SNARED / COWBOYS & INDIANS

    Anne Mosedale

    • 15 April 2014 at 2:11 pm

    Thanks for update. Looking forward to new book and novella later in year. Have been recommending the Cullen Series to all I know who like crime books.


      • 15 April 2014 at 2:24 pm

      Cool – hope you enjoy them and thanks for spreading the word. Ed

    Mare Bate

    • 15 April 2014 at 5:57 pm

    Busy man!! About 80% of the way through Bottleneck and really enjoying it. Look forward to Cullen 6 and DS Dodds 1!! Best wishes Mary


      • 15 April 2014 at 5:58 pm

      You’re just at the bit it gets good then. 😉

    Carol M

    • 16 April 2014 at 7:59 am

    Loving the Cullen books. Hope he gets his promotion in the next book!


      • 17 April 2014 at 9:33 am

      I don’t know if I could be so crass… -Ed

    Anne Mosedale

    • 21 April 2014 at 12:58 pm

    Just received an email from Amazon and have been able to update Devil in Detail following changes made, guess I will get another one at some stage so I can update Ghost.


      • 21 April 2014 at 1:04 pm

      Here’s hoping!

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