Pain of publishing

Categories : News

The easy bit of writing is the writing.  It’s hard, don’t get me wrong, but it’s not the most difficult bit.  The hardest part is publishing.  One, trying to go down the traditional routes – get an agent, get a publisher – well, I tried that and almost got somewhere.  Two, go the self-publishing on Kindle route – I’m trying that and I don’t think I’ve got any more hair left…

Seriously, though, I noticed that the formatting of the book looked a bit crap so I’ve spent the last two days trying to fix it.  The method for publishing is not easy – you write in Word, you export an HTML file, you upload that and Amazon do some shizzle to it and you can download it and review it.  After several iterations, I’ve FINALLY managed to get it looking good.

So – there is a new version of GHOST IN THE MACHINE getting uploaded right now, should be up tomorrow morning.  I believe that anyone who has bought it will get notified – I hope this doesn’t piss you off, but believe me, it’s less than the mental pain I’ve just gone through. ; )

— Ed

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