Ghost in the Machine

Categories : News

Well, I’ve decided that Honey Trap will now be called Ghost in the Machine. I know i said in my last post that it was a poor name, but it really has grown in me – it’s a quotation from from Gilbert Ryle, a refutation of the Cartesian assertion of the mind in the vat. And the name of an album by The Police, and I’m not sure it’s from their decent period, either. It matches with the title for book two – Devil in the Detail – and makes me think that book three will be called Beast in the Shadow. I know what the fourth one is called and it’s not an “in the” derivative. If nothing else, it means I’ve demonstrably planned Scott Cullen’s progression over a series of novels. I’ve hit the new writing portion of Ghost in the Machine, which is going better than I thought. Also, can access this on my mobile, so more frequent updates will be forthcoming.
— Ed

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