The importance of being edited

Categories : News

So tonight I sat in a burger bar (Byron burger – skinny burger, courgette fries and milkshake if you must know) [and the same one that the revised version of GHOST’s Afterword was written in] and committed the last edits to DYED IN THE WOOL, Cullen book four. It’s off being proofed now so I suspect it’ll be ready to publish in 1-2 weeks. I’ll let you know – keep an eye on this page and twitter.
Anyway, it’s been the longest writing I’ve done – I plotted it in November, started writing it in early February, finished in mid-March, got it structurally edited in April and May and properly line-edited in May and June. It’s the longest of the Cullen’s at 111,000 words – I’m not writing that length of book again, it practically killed me. (Bear in mind that I wrote most of the first draft of SHOT THROUGH THE HEART in that time)
I wanted to thank Rhona for the sterling editing job she’s done – she’s really knocked it out of the park (cliche) – she’s really done an amazing job (repetition of She’s) – etc. In all seriousness, it’s a great edit job she’s done and I really appreciate her help with it. Give me a shout if you’re looking for an editor – I can highly recommend her (though I obviously get first dibs).
Anyway, I thought you’d like to know it’s on its way. There will be a newsletter soon with an exclusive scene that I culled from the novel so go and subscribe…
Next on my list –

  • readthrough of first draft of my girlfriend’s book
  • put down ideas for Cullen book five in a structured way
  • blurb and afterword for DYED IN THE WOOL
  • finish and edit SHOT THROUGH THE HEART

— Ed

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