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I’ve finally finished it.  GHOST IN THE MACHINE is now on the Amazon Kindle Store.  Visit to buy it, or even just preview it.
To say I’m pleased with it is an understatement, or even an overstatement.  The fact of having published something that people can buy is immensely pleasurable, but the relief in just having finished is staggering.
Been a slightly frustrating experience getting it up as the Amazon international banking server kept crashing – my own bloody fault for not doing it earlier when I set the account up.
Anyway, it’s been a tough week of editing – considering that I’d only done 1/3 of the book from my girlfriend’s edits this time last week, to have got up to publishing this week is amazing.
It’s taken we since January 2009 to get this book done.  It’s by no means perfect but I think it’s bloody good, way better than the draft I submitted to literary agents in October 2009.  I’ve learned a whole lot from the process, and become a much stronger writer and plotter.
Now that I’ve got it out there, I can keep the momentum up.  I might not be getting paid a fortune to do it, but I do control this series and the writing.  I’m looking forward to getting stuck into DEVIL IN THE DETAIL and I aim to get that published by mid-July or mid-August.  It’s a stronger story than GHOST, I think, but it needs a bit of effort to extending and fleshing out to book length.  There’s some good stuff to add that comes out of the back of GHOST and will lead into its sequel DYED IN THE WOOL but it’s very much the mid-point of the initial trilogy of Scott Cullen.
Anyway, enough for now – I’m off to do something other than writing for a bit.
— Ed

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