Had the first review from a “proper” website today, as opposed to reader reviews. They tend to be harder and more critical, so I’m very pleased to receive a high rating.
Some quotes:
Ghost in the Machine by Ed James is a well thought out and well conceived police procedural. The fact that we see events unfold through the eyes of one of the lowest cogs in the policing wheel makes for a refreshing change. Scott Cullen, just a lowly DC, has many things to worry about, not least of which is his career path. But his desire for promotion doesn’t stop him from following his hunches, even when told categorically not to do so by his very annoying boss, DI Bain. I’d definitely read another one in the series.
Full review:
In my defence, I suppose I did rush the proofing and will fix it for the printed version and will issue a revised Kindle file. On the Bain note, I’m glad that Bain provoked a reaction that strong – he is supposed to be the archetypal embittered DI but portrayed as an antagonist in an unflattering light. While the police force is now the police service and more caring, the pressure is much higher.
Also, another Amazon review:
I’ve just finished reading this book and I enjoyed it so much I didn’t want it to end. Ed James description of his characters is so clear that they jump out of the pages as if they are real. The attention to detail that he has put into this novel is incredible, not only to the characters but also the buildings and locations, fictional or otherwise you can actually picture them in your head.
This would make a great TV show, up there with Rebus and Taggart. Download it now, I can’t wait for his next book, Scott Cullen is definitely my new crush!
Comments below to indicate who you think could play Cullen or Bain…
— Ed